Manassas Real Estate Reports


Serving the Real Estate needs of the communities of Manassas, Bristow, Haymarket, Warrenton, Gainesville and Culpeper  in Northern Virginia

Dave Scardina  
Broker / Owner



Manassas Real Estate Reports

Manassas has special regulations

Every area has its own building regulations. You need to know how these restrictions will affect the design of your Manassas home. Issues to consider include zoning, setbacks, rights of way and easements. Most subdivisions have CC&Rs (Covenants, Codes and Restrictions). Studies of Manassas demonstrate that these carefully to make sure they are not too restrictive for your needs or create excessive building costs.

5 Steps To Sell Your Manassas Home

Selling your Manassas home is a process that involves five basic steps. These steps are Preparing the Home for Sale, Finding a Buyer, Qualifying the Buyer, Negotiating the Terms, Handling all the Details needed to finalize the sale. If you list your home your real estate agent takes responsibility for each step. If you sell on your own, it is your responsibility to complete each step.

Manassas Real Estate Cycles

During a slow economic time, fewer people are buying homes in the Manassas market. Even so, some homeowners find themselves in a situation where they must sell. Families grow beyond the capacity of the home, employees get relocated, and some may even find themselves unable to make their mortgage payment - perhaps because of a layoff in the family.

During sellers' markets, Manassas real estate sells quickly and sellers have a lot of pricing power. As a result, prices rise more rapidly than at other times. During buyers' markets, Manassas real estate may sit on the market for a while before selling, so sellers become more flexible and may even drop their prices.

Taking Title to Your Manassas

Each owner has a separate title to an undivided interest in the entire property. Each owner is allowed to sell, mortgage or give away his/her interest. Any number of people can take Tenancy in Common ownership of Manassasand husband and wife may choose this option as well. When an owner dies, his/her interest passes by will to his/her heirs. In other words, there is no survivorship right.

Each owner has an equal interest in the Manassas. If one owner dies, that person’s share of the property passes automatically to the other without going through probate. Any number of people can take ownership under Joint Tenancy and husband and wife may choose this option as well.

Community Property. Only husband and wife can take title to Manassas in this way. Title is in the community


A benefit is an advantage or something that promotes or enhances well-being. A Manassas benefit might be its location, its home styles, its diversity and/or its proximity to major highways, employment, education and shopping. Whether or not any of these factors are or are not a benefit depends entirely on the point of view of the potential buyer. For example, being close to a major airport might be important for someone who flies a lot and an annoyance to someone who never flies and dislikes the noise of airplanes flying overhead.

Manassas SAVINGS

Everyone wants to buy the home of their dreams at the lowest possible price. Here is a tip for making the best Manassas buying decision. Make sure you know the actual real estate values in the area or areas where you plan to buy so that when you come across a home priced below market, you will know it.