Manassas Real Estate Summary


Serving the Real Estate needs of the communities of Manassas, Bristow, Haymarket, Warrenton, Gainesville and Culpeper  in Northern Virginia

Dave Scardina  
Broker / Owner



Manassas Real Estate Summary

Manassas-Home of Their Dreams

Ever think you would like to build your own Manassas home and have everything just the way you want it? Lots of people do and they often start by looking at land or lots for sale. With many people the idea is to buy a lot today, get it paid off or mostly paid off and then sometime in the future, contract with a custom builder for the Home of their Dreams via Manassas.

Qualifying the Buyer for your Manassas Property

Either you or your agent will want to weed out potential buyers who cannot afford to purchase your Manassas home. Items to investigate include the buyer’s debt and credit history, current income and employment, the availability of cash for a down payment, the time the buyer needs before closing on the home and the buyer’s level of interest in your home as compared to other properties.

Fixed Rate Loans in Manassas

Advantages: As indicated earlier, predictability is the biggest incentive for choosing a fixed-rate loan for your Manassas real estate mortgage.

Disadvantages: Fixed rate loans usually come with higher interest than the start up interest rate on a fixed loan. Down payments for your Manassas on conventional, fixed-rate loans are usually higher than the down payment required for an ARM.

Buying Manassas Below Market

While the perfect Manassas option at the right price might come on the market within a couple of weeks, don’t expect that kind of time frame. You must be prepared to wait months for right property, and the Manassas is no exception. Remember, most sellers tend to ask MORE than their property is worth, not less so bargains don’t pop up every day. Often times, homes that are on the market for too long a period of time will come down in price as the homeowners get tired of having their house for sale but unless the seller is really pressed, home prices tend to come down is small increments unless there is an unfortunate circumstance that might cause the homeowner to price the Manassas under market for the specific purpose of getting a fast sale.

Taking Title to Your Manassas

Each owner has a separate title to an undivided interest in the entire property. Each owner is allowed to sell, mortgage or give away his/her interest. Any number of people can take Tenancy in Common ownership of Manassasand husband and wife may choose this option as well. When an owner dies, his/her interest passes by will to his/her heirs. In other words, there is no survivorship right.

Each owner has an equal interest in the Manassas. If one owner dies, that person’s share of the property passes automatically to the other without going through probate. Any number of people can take ownership under Joint Tenancy and husband and wife may choose this option as well.

Community Property. Only husband and wife can take title to Manassas in this way. Title is in the community

Manassas APPEAL

A large part of the appeal of the real estate market in any area is the architecture or the style of the homes themselves. The appeal of Manassas is its appropriateness to the region in terms of style, history and weather conditions.