Manassas Real Estate Summary


Serving the Real Estate needs of the communities of Manassas, Bristow, Haymarket, Warrenton, Gainesville and Culpeper  in Northern Virginia

Dave Scardina  
Broker / Owner



Manassas Real Estate Summary

Manassas Real Estate Contract Options

The most common type of listing agreement used between sellers and the real estate broker is known as “The Exclusive Right to Sell” Agreement. In this agreement the agent agrees to include the home in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). The details of a Manassas real estate listed in the MLS are available to all agents and brokers and with the advent of the Internet, MLS listings are shown on the World Wide Web.

Manassas Real Estate Contract Options

Less common types of agreements include what is known as a “One Time Show,” and “Exclusive Agency,” and an “Open Listing” agreement. The One -Time Show and the Open Listing are similar and are often used by homeowners who wish to sell their Manassas real estate on their own but will agree to pay a commission to an agent who brings a qualified buyer for the home. A Manassas homeowner may agree to an Open Listing with several agents and also agree to a One-Time Show to any agent who has an interested buyer.

Manassas Real Estate Contract Options

Finally, the Exclusive Agency Listing allows an agent to list and market your Manassas real estate. The agent will earn a commission if he/she or any other agent sells the property but not if the homeowner finds his/her own buyer. Very few if any agents are willing to agree to spend time, money and know-how on promoting a home without the guarantee of a commission when the home sells.

Many people imagine that the agent who lists their home begins an immediate search for likely homebuyers for Manassas but this is not always the case. The real skill of a good listing agent is her/his ability to market your home to other agents. Usually as soon as your listing agent returns to the office, your home is entered into the MLS and is now available to hundreds, maybe thousands of other agents.

Manassas Real Estate Cycles

In the business cycle of real estate, there are buyers' markets and sellers' markets...and some markets in between. It is all based on supply and/or demand. Manassas is no exception.

There are times when the economy is brisk and everyone feels confident about his or her prospects for the future. As a result, they spend money. People eat out more, buy new cars, and... they buy houses, namely Manassas.

Then, for one reason or another, the economy slows down. Companies lay off employees and consumers are more careful about where they spend money, perhaps saving more than usual. As a result, the economy decelerates. When there are fewer people in the market to buy homes. This is true for the Manassas real estate market as it is for all markets nationwide.

Manassas Disclosure Rule

Types of Material Defects for Manassas might include any known structural deficiencies or building code violations. Material Defects might also include defects in walls, ceilings, floors, windows, foundations or electrical or plumbing systems. If you are selling in the summer and the place usually floods in the winter that is a material defect that is not going to be obvious to a prospective buyer.

When you are contemplating the possibility of selling your Manassas you might want to ask yourself what you would want to know about the property if you were planning to buy it. If a condition or situation would be important to you, disclose it and disclose it in writing. As a seller, this is your strongest protection against future litigation.

Manassas Real Estate Title Insurance

A Manassas mortgage policy that insures the lender remains in effect until the loan is paid off. An owner’s policy insures the buyer and remains in effect as long as the owner or the owner’s heirs own the property. An owner policy may cost a little more than a lender policy. For example, an owner policy may run somewhere around $3.50 per $1000.00 of home value while a policy for lender protection may run in the neighborhood of $2.50 per $1000.00 of home value.

The Manassas real estate Title Company searches and examines public records to determine if any problems with the title exist. Your real estate agents works very closely with the Title Company to help clear up any past clouds that may affect the transfer of title to the new owner.