News About Bristow Real Estate


Serving the Real Estate needs of the communities of Manassas, Bristow, Haymarket, Warrenton, Gainesville and Culpeper  in Northern Virginia

Dave Scardina  
Broker / Owner



News About Bristow Real Estate

Bristow-Home of Their Dreams

Ever think you would like to build your own Bristow home and have everything just the way you want it? Lots of people do and they often start by looking at land or lots for sale. With many people the idea is to buy a lot today, get it paid off or mostly paid off and then sometime in the future, contract with a custom builder for the Home of their Dreams via Bristow.

Bristow Home Improvement

Don't underestimate how much projects will cost. Expenses usually are added, not subtracted. Homeowners, even Bristow homeowners, routinely go 20% to 30% over budget. Remember, it is common to under budget cost and time.

When remodeling for resale, don't waste time with renovations that won't pay off. If you must have a pool, you still may have to lower your expectations on who will be interested in buying. The National Association of Realtors/Remodeling magazine study has identified four renovations that show the greatest return at resale: improvements to siding, windows, kitchens and bathrooms. Remember you have a lot invested in Bristow.

Bristow Disclosure Rule

Types of Material Defects for Bristow might include any known structural deficiencies or building code violations. Material Defects might also include defects in walls, ceilings, floors, windows, foundations or electrical or plumbing systems. If you are selling in the summer and the place usually floods in the winter that is a material defect that is not going to be obvious to a prospective buyer.

When you are contemplating the possibility of selling your Bristow you might want to ask yourself what you would want to know about the property if you were planning to buy it. If a condition or situation would be important to you, disclose it and disclose it in writing. As a seller, this is your strongest protection against future litigation.

Guidelines for Buying Bristow

Whether you are a seasoned veteran of real estate transactions or a first time buyer, my advice is the same: Know the Market, Know Yourself and Rely on Experts to give you the whole picture of what you are buying.

Know the Bristow Market. Another way of stating this is Research, Research, Research. Of course the Internet is a great way to give an overview of Bristow homes or homes in any given area but may not be enough, especially if you are looking to buy a home some distance from where you currently live. If you are looking to buy locally you can drive the neighborhoods that you are focusing on to get an idea if there are any problems you need to be aware of. Does part of the development back up to a busy highway? If so and if you want to avoid looking at homes in that area, know what streets are involved so you can recognize listings that may be involved.

Taking Title to Your Bristow

Each owner has a separate title to an undivided interest in the entire property. Each owner is allowed to sell, mortgage or give away his/her interest. Any number of people can take Tenancy in Common ownership of Bristowand husband and wife may choose this option as well. When an owner dies, his/her interest passes by will to his/her heirs. In other words, there is no survivorship right.

Each owner has an equal interest in the Bristow. If one owner dies, that person’s share of the property passes automatically to the other without going through probate. Any number of people can take ownership under Joint Tenancy and husband and wife may choose this option as well.

Community Property. Only husband and wife can take title to Bristow in this way. Title is in the community


A benefit is an advantage or something that promotes or enhances well-being. A Bristow benefit might be its location, its home styles, its diversity and/or its proximity to major highways, employment, education and shopping. Whether or not any of these factors are or are not a benefit depends entirely on the point of view of the potential buyer. For example, being close to a major airport might be important for someone who flies a lot and an annoyance to someone who never flies and dislikes the noise of airplanes flying overhead.